Select Summer or Winter Dry Sail from the Events Calendar to register! You must register for the current annual membership before you can enable Dry Sail. Please do not submit any payments by mail without first completing an online Summer Dry Sail Registration. You are able to pay online via our secure payment processor – WPSA does not ever see your account number.
Members are encouraged to use our new online Dry Sail Registration, via the button above. Dry Sail Fees are in addition to your membership. You must have a paid Family Membership to utilize – Dry Sail Storage cannot be utilized at the Senior Membership level. Obtain a WPSA numbered sticker from the Rear Commodore.
If you are unable to register online yourself, you may request a paper form to complete and mail-in and we’ll create your online member account for you and send you your login information.
One of the benefits of WPSA is the option to rent Dry Sail space to store your small boat for the season, in our fenced yard. Please note that fees did increase beginning Fall 2023 to cover rising general costs and late fee penalties will now be incurred at 50% of the dry sail fee.
See definitions below.
**50% penalty late fee if paid on or after July 1st**
Boat or Board on Rack: $174 each [A] ($261 Jul 1st & later)
Monohull under 16′: $240 each [B] ($360 Jul 1st & later)
Monohull 16′ & over: $306 each [C] ($459 Jul 1st & later)
Catamaran 14′ & over: $474 each [D] ($711 Jul 1st & later)
**50% penalty late fee if paid on or after JULY 1st**
- A – Includes a $35 work surcharge
- B – Includes a $50 work surcharge
- C – Includes a $60 work surcharge
- D – Includes a $75 work surcharge
**50% penalty late fee if paid on or after January 1st**
Boat or Board on Rack: $90 each ($135 Jan 1st & later)
Monohull under 16′: $126 each ($189 Jan 1st & later)
Monohull 16′ & over: $156 each ($234 Jan 1st & later)
Catamaran 14′ & over: $222 each ($333 Jan 1st & later)
Members are encouraged to use our new online Dry Sail Registration, via the button above.
MONOHULL: Includes Opti/Optimist, Laser, 420, Sunfish, foil, etc on a dolly, trailer or chocked* off wheels (on blocks, buckets, crates etc.) Concrete blocks are not permitted. Boats exactly 16′ choose the $306 option for 16′ and up.
RACK: Is not the same a chocks (blocks, buckets, crates etc). The rack space is for small items like paddle boards and kayaks. You may NOT pay for rack space and use yard space designated for wheeled boats. If your boat is not on an actual dolly/trailer and is on chocks/blocks, it is still a Monohull not a Rack item.
Dry Sail Storage is an economical way to maintain a boat by the water – stored on LAND, ready to sail in minutes at a fraction of the cost of a wet boat slip. Self-service! Park your boat on land, launch via the beach or our electric hoist & be on your way!
Dry Sail Boat Storage is available for storage on our rack and fenced yard on wheeled dollies, lightweight trailers and blocked on chocks for SEASONAL (not annual) usage. This is an additional fee over and above the cost of your Family Membership, based on the size and class of boat.
You must have a current and paid Family Membership before you can utilize Dry Sail. If you qualify for a Senior Membership you will still need a Family Membership to utilize Dry Sail.
You must keep your area tidy, boat clear so others can pass, and keep ALL gear stored in the sail shed clearly labeled with your family name and phone #. You’ll have access to beach launch or by our electric hoist. You’ll get access to the gate and sail shed. Please take care to keep things secured!
SUMMER: Spring Cleanup until Fall Cleanup (May 1-Nov 1)
WINTER: Fall Cleanup until Spring Cleanup (Nov 1- May 1)
A featured amenity at Wet Pants is our electric hoist! Our hoist allows small sailboats to go from trailer to the water in minutes, with minimal effort. Make sure you have and regularly inspect the lifting points on your boat and the condition of your bridle. The hoist is not a toy and is never to lift people. If you have never used the hoist, please ask any member for help.
You will need to make a bridle to attach to lifting points specific and unique to your boat. The weight capacity of your bridle must exceed the weight of your boat for the safety of all. Never lift a boat on the hoist when there is water in the hull, it is a safety hazard as it can can damage the hoist and break your bridle.
The location of a boat in the Dry Sail area is set by the Rear Commodore and is determined by the following factors:
Frequency of boat use. Years of using the Dry Sail area (seniority) will not place your boat in a more convenient location. If a boat is not utilized on a regular basis, it could be moved further back in the Dry Sail area to give other more frequently used boats better access to the beach or hoist.
Volunteer work in the Dry Sail area and around the club house will also factor into location of a boat. An active member who invests their time and energy into the maintenance and improvement of the club’s buildings and grounds will have this factored into their boat location assignments.
The location assignment is a simple formula – boat use and volunteer work are elements the Rear Commodore uses when assigning a location in the Dry Sail area. It is simple and fair. Boats are meant to be sailed and not stored. This is what dictates boat placement in the Dry Sail Area.
Please remember that the Dry Sail area is not a storage facility. Please keep your boat rigged and in sailable condition. Preferences for Dry Sail assignment is given to those who actively use their boats during the season. Dry Sail assignments will not be given to a boat destined for storage and especially if it displaces a boat that will actively be sailed.
- Dry Sail Registrations must be preceded by a paid current Wet Pants Membership. Dry Sail Registration and payment are required prior to bringing a boat to the premises. See EVENTS tab on
- Dry Sail space requests will be evaluated on the basis of boat type, space available, member’s activity in Wet Pants Sailing Association and expected benefit to the club. Dry Sail will be allocated as soon as possible after May 15th on a first paid, first assigned basis. Requests without payment will not be accepted. SPACE IS LIMITED and NOT guaranteed.
- In order to process your request, you must provide enough information at registration so that we can identify your boat on sight.
- Boats assigned a space for the summer season will receive a WPSA ID # sticker. Any boat without an ID sticker will be removed from the Dry Sail area. Wet Pants Sailing Association will not accept responsibility for it. Contact to get ID stickers, they should be placed on the bow so easily visible.
- Boats in the Dry Sail area are at the owners own risk. Wet Pants Sailing Association is not responsible for damage, loss or theft. All boats & personal belongings must be removed from the building & grounds by the Fall Clean-Up, unless Winter Dry Sail accommodations have been made. Anything left after the Fall Clean-Up may be sold or discarded. Locks and clear labeling are highly recommended.
- The Summer Dry Sail fee includes a surcharge* will be refunded as a credit next year to those who sign-in at and contribute a prescribed number of service activities above and beyond the two required for Family Membership (which has its own $25 surcharge/refund). Dry Sail’s two significant volunteer contributions will result in a surcharge credit for each boat stored (e.g. 1 boat = 2 significant volunteer contributions required; 2 boats = 4 significant volunteer contributions required, etc.). To receive both Family + Membership provide 4 or more contributions.
FAMILY MEMBERSHIP SURCHARGE: $25 (2 contributions minimum)
SUMMER DRY SAIL SURCHARGE*: $35-$75 (2 contributions minimum)
- Board/boat on outer yard rack @ $35
- Monohull – under 16’ (includes sunfish on dolly or trailer) @ $50
- Monohull – over 16’ @ $60
- Catamaran @ $75
- The Dry Sail fee is non-refundable.
- Winter boat storage is available. Please contact Rear Commodore before the Fall Clean up to make arrangements if you are removing a boat, remaining over the winter, or bringing a boat.
- The Board or Rear Commodore may set or change terms, conditions and pay-by dates as deemed necessary. Non-payment and accounts in arrears can result in the removal of boats, loss of dry sail privileges and can put your membership status at risk.
- You understand and agree to the above terms and conditions and that your boat, gear, trailer and other related items are stored on the premises at your own risk.
By registering my boat in Dry Sail this season, I understand & agree to the Wet Pants terms and conditions, and understand that storage of my boat, sails, gear, trailer, dolly or other items is at my own risk.
- Summer season begins at Spring Clean-up date, usually mid-May, and ends at Fall Clean-up date, usually mid-October. Check the calendar at for exact dates.
- Winter storage season begins at Fall Clean-up date, ends at Spring Clean-up date.
- Boats stored in the yard must be mobile, please maintain your trailer in roadworthy condition. Use hand dollies to move your boat to reduce damage to the asphalt in the yard. Return the dollies when finished using your boat or store aside – not on or in front of our easternmost neighbor’s beachfront.
- Be courteous – do not block main boat pathways to the water or hoist, handle hoist carefully, replace hose on reel, dispose of all trash.
- Boats should be in sail-able condition with masts raised during Summer. The yard is intended for active use, not long-term storage. If you don’t sail frequently, please make arrangements to store your boat off-site. Wet slip boat trailers must be stored off-site.
- All masts must be down and secured to the boat for Winter storage, and boats must be secured to the trailer. Tie off your halyards to reduce nuisance noise for neighbors and prep your boat before storms!
- Please do not use concrete blocks as props or chocks – use wood or plastic chocks, buckets or similar for propping up boats.
- Vehicles allowed inside the outer gates for pick-up and drop off only in front of the hoist. NO vehicles allowed inside inner gates. Please use caution as students may be in the area.
- All boats must have WPSA ID stickers on boat, put your name and sticker number on trailer & dolly. WPSA ID# Stickers are available from Rear Commodore
- If you store your sails/rigs in the sail shed, make sure it is neatly stowed ON RACKS and clearly marked with your name and WPSA ID # from your boat sticker. If you move something to get to your gear, put it back.
- Please close gates and lock up and turn off the lights when you leave. Don’t assume the “next person” will do it.
- Please report unsafe conditions to flag officers as soon as possible. See contact info on on the ABOUT page.
The location of a boat in the dry sail area will be determined by the following factors:
- Frequency of boat use. Number of years of using the dry sail area(seniority) will not place your boat in a more convenient location. If a boat is not utilized on a regular basis, it could be moved further back in the dry sail area to give other more frequently used boats better access to the beach and hoist.
- Volunteer work in the dry sail area and around the clubhouse will also factor into the location of a boat. An active member & family who invests their time and energy into the maintenance and improvement of the club’s building and grounds or at events will have this factored into their boat location assignments.
What dictates boat location placement is a simple formula. Boat use and volunteer work are elements the Rear Commodore uses in assigning dry sail area locations. It’s simple and fair as boats are meant to be sailed, not stored. The yard is not meant for long term storage for unused boats. Please keep your boat rigged, in sail-able condition.
Preference for dry sail assignments is given to those who more actively use their boat during the season. Dry sail assignments will not go to boats that sit unused, especially if it displaces another boat that would actively be sailed.
NOTE: MONOHULL includes 420, Sunfish, Laser, Optimist/Optis etc on a dolly or trailer. If your boat is 16′ choose the $306 level.
DO leave a wide open corridor to the water – smaller boats parked on dollys near the beach need to be mindful that other members need to be able to get their larger boats past your boat. If going sailing, first move your dolly/trailer and any gear to leave a clear wide path.
DO keep the building, grounds, docks and beach clean and tidy. Put all trash in bins and recoil all hoses!
DO keep the area around the electric hoist tidy, be careful when using it and alert a flag officer if there is any problem.